Poorhouse International: Catalogue results

TITLE: Braille Music
Director: Michael House

Genre: Music documentary

Format: HD

Composer: Zoe Dixon

Contributors: James Risdon (recorder), Zoe Dixon (clarinet), Matthew Wadsworth (lute/theorbo), Baluji Shrivastav (tabla), Kevin Satizabal (piano) and Victoria Orawari (Sopran)

Company: Michael House

Runtime: 81' or ca. 52' minutes.

ID: 356.




Exploring the history of blind musicianship filmmaker Michael House travelled to visit L’institut national des jeunes aveugles and L´association Valentin Haüy in Paris where so much of the Braille legacy is alive and in practice, not only his system of writing but also his musical classroom and his organ teaching classes. Inspired by the visit Michael House decided to pay homage to Braille by finding out how the system called “Braille” came about and discovered that music was an integral part of its creation. This is how the idea of composing, rehearsing and recording a piece of music in Braille with blind artists arose. Zoe Dixon was 17 when she composed “Hope” which subsequently was recorded in a West London Studio featuring James Risdon (recorder), Zoe Dixon (clarinet), Matthew Wadsworth (lute/theorbo), Baluji Shrivastav (tabla), Kevin Satizabal (piano) and Victoria Orawari (Sopran).